Saturday, July 10, 2010

Trip to visit Jo, Favorite bro-in-law and nephew

Doing some log peeling for Jason so he'll think were good for something..haha....

He lays on the pulpit while daddy practices for song leading....

Rishon is gona be so blessed to grow up with a man like Bro. Ron in his life =o)

Car trouble on the way home...

So we got an hour away from Jo and then our vehicle was not gona go so we had to have it towed to the repair shop..... We had no idea how long it would take to fix it...

We were at a fred meyers and there was a nice green hill by it so we decided we would have to live here and packed up some of our stuff and decided to wait there for our car to get done.....I felt like a bumpkin sitting on a hill right by fred least we could run in and get snacks whenever we needed them....haha...

Nothing to do in that situation but eat a donut and drink some breve....

And come up with hairdos.....

And take pics......

It was actually a really nice day even though we had to drive till midnight to get home =o)