Tuesday, September 25, 2007

time to post again......

Well... we said the tearful goodbyes tonight. I managed not to break down to badly =o) The rest of the fam will be leaving friday. It's amazing how what used to be simple little things become big deals when you don't have your mama there to ask simple little questions to! Moms are SO smart! Thankfully my smart sisters will be here for a few more days, and after that I'll be calling Mrs. Kim with all my simple little questions =o) We went to the library today and got stalked up on a bunch a movies so we won't get to board! Today we shot a sort of tournament thing at archery. It was VERY fun!! The Tozier boys and jock(and of course Kluane) are SO good! I think it must come naturally to little boys or something! I think this is the first week I managed not to bruise myself and that's a very good thing. I still have some bruise left from last week! I'm gonna go to bed now cause my leg is hurting really bad and I don't know why. Sometimes I think I have arthritis or something ;o) It couldn't be growing pains could it?? No.. I think not =o) Well whatever it is it sure hurts!! Looks like my poll is going all ways at once! Thanks for voting.......goooodnight.............. ~Krista Renee~


Anonymous said...

Krissy, your leg is not allowed to hurt when I am gone...do you hear?

Anonymous said...

Be sure and call if you need me!