Saturday, October 6, 2007


I finally put the Flipflops away and got out the slippers........


Anonymous said...

Hi Krista,
thanks for posting on my blog:p

Rachel said...

Hey Krista, this is Rachel Hammett. Just popping by to say hi!!! Thanks for loaning your family to us for the week. We are having a great time, but now we want to meet you and the other siblings that stayed home. :)

Hhhmm...maybe we can convince my parents into a trip to Alaska! That would be neat. :) sounds like you are doing a great job keeping things together there.

Bye :o)

neverletmeforget said...

Hi Rachel,
Even though I do miss my fam I'm glad you're having such a good time with them! I would love to meet you and your fam and it would be neat if you could convince your family to come up =o) I'm trying to keep things together but I'm afraid I'll never be as good as my mom!
Thanks for popping by =o)

Anonymous said...