Thursday, November 22, 2007

a poem for today...

(Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer)
Let us give thanks to God above,Thanks for expressions of His love,Seen in the book of nature, grand Taught by His love on every hand.Let us be thankful in our hearts,Thankful for all the truth imparts,For the religion of our Lord,All that is taught us in His word.Let us be thankful for a land,That will for such religion stand;One that protects it by the law,One that before it stands in awe.Thankful for all things let us be,Though there be woes and misery;Lessons they bring us for our good-Later 'twill all be understood.Thankful for peace o'er land and sea,Thankful for signs of liberty,Thankful for homes, for life and health,Pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth.Thankful for friends and loved ones, too,Thankful for all things, good and true,Thankful for harvest in the fall,Thankful to Him who gave it all.
~Happy Thanksgiving~


~Kluane said...

Did you take any pictures?

Rebekah L. said...

So how did everything go? What did you and heidi create this year? Did yall go shopping Friday?

neverletmeforget said...

It was really fun Bek. Heidi and I made cheeseballs and a pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin dip and more...But we actually didn't do too much so we wouldn't be so exhausted by the end of the day. I was tired of making things after we made the first thing! =o) Heidi thought I was pathetic so I managed to help her with the rest =o) On thanksgiving they played hockey and we did some singing in the girls apartment and we watched meet the robinsons this your nephews(We LOVE that movie). I think Jonny was to disturbed by the bad guy to enjoy it =o) If you've seen the movie you'll know exactly what I mean.
And then Friday we got up at 4!!!(bleh)and went shopping and then friday night I spent the night at Heidi's and we went christmas shopping on saturday. I was SO pooped. I got sick thursday night(for the third time in two months!!!)so I think that was a big part I me being so tired. I'm not much fun to shop with at all anyways but especially not when I'm sick. But Heidi and I did find some REALLY good deals so we were happy =o) I hope you had a good Thanksgiving too!