Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1st.....

Paul the critic. The password:
"The password!!!!!!! What is it!!!!!!!! Tell me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"
“Uh” said Paul, “look, I’ve got no clue what you’re screaming on and on about and you really don’t have to scream cause it’s starting to hurt the ears so please shush.”

In the midst of all this Laura said "My hair is looking so bad today!"
"Actually"Paul replied. "I was just thinking it looks pretty good." Paul had absolutely no idea why he said this. Was he becoming as insane as they were. He was getting scared now!
“Well thanks.....but back to the business at hand” said Laura in a long drawn out sort of way, “we have ways of getting information out of people who so conveniently seem to not know what we need to know don’t we Darius?....DARIUS!?!”
“I’m right here!” Darius answered, “You don’t always gotta yell you know?”
“It’s so not my fault if I have to yell for you every time and want you because you’re never right here were you need to be” Laura almost yelled to him.
“Hey you told me to search his things so I was searching his things!” Darius retorted, “how can I be searching his things and right by your side all the time?”
“Oh stop rambling!” Laura screeched, “You really are pathetic you know? Now help me move him to the hospital room upstairs and sterilize that needle.”
“Hospital room?!” now Paul was starting to raise his voice, “NEEDLE!?” Paul despised hospital rooms and anything to do with them. The smell the whole feeling and everything just creeped him out and made him not want to be anywhere near them, and when he heard the word needle he was needless to say far from overjoyed.
“What’s the matter Paul don’t like needles?” of course this was Laura speaking.
Before Paul could speak he was gagged and bound by Darius and pushed onto a cart to be rolled to the hospital room upstairs.

"Ouch!" shouted Laura.
"What?", asked Darius.
"I just broke a nail because you're pushing this thing to fast... now slow down!" She was being loud again.
“This can’t be happening can it? I can't be on this cart being pushed by two probably insane people on my way to be stabbed by some needle!” Paul’s mind screamed, “This is some form of torture their planning isn’t it?”
On the way to the Hospital room they met up with someone who looked familiar to Paul but he just couldn’t remember where he had seen him. Maybe it was the entire trauma that Paul was going through at this time that caused his memory loss but whatever the case it just wouldn’t come to him who this guy was.
No one said a word until they reached the room. Than the strange guy spoke “Prepare the needle.” He said in a low deep voice. All of a sudden it came to Paul who this man was. The strange critic! “It figures he has something to do with this.” Thought Paul.
Paul watched in a bit of horror as Darius prepared a very sharp looking needle. Than the needle came toward him. “Now then” said Laura removing Paul’s gag. “Are you quite sure you don’t want to tell us the password?”. “I….I…” Said Paul who was becoming just the tiniest bit scared at this point, “I told you I honestly don’t know, so you really don’t have to stick me with that thing.” “oh” said Laura in a sickly sweet voice, “I’m afraid we do”.
“Darius!” yelled Laura, “Stick that thing in his arm already”. And Darius did. Paul was out like a light bulb that was never to burn again.
“Hmmm” said Darius, “that’s wasn’t supposed to happen.”
The strange critic quickly felt for a pulse on Paul. There was none and he shook his head and Laura.
“DARIUS how much did you put in that vile?!” Laura screeched.
“Umm…A full tube full?” Darius replied in a scared voice.
“A full tube full is lethal you blockhead!” The strange critic said, “He’s dead!”
“Oh how sad that’s he’s dead” whined Laura, “And a bit disappointing too seeing as he was so cute.”
“And I’m sure you’ll be disappointed at what will happen to you now.” said a voice behind them. It was the other woman critic who quickly slammed and locked the door and then ran quickly away.
All of a sudden the people left in the room heard “beep…beep……beep…..beep”.
“What is that sound?” whined Laura.
“A bomb.. duh.” said the critic.
“A BOMB!?” screeched Laura, “I’m too young and to cute to die!!”
“Uh,” said the critic, “that’s a matter of opinion”.
And you reader will just have to imagine the rest….Maybe they lived and maybe they died. Maybe Darius and Laura got out somehow and lived happily ever after. Or maybe someone else lived happily ever after because of course that's the way every story should end right?


Aimee said...

Hardy Har Har...actuelly it might have been a good way to end it, hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Ok people before you freak out this was all just a April fools joke inspired by a few of my siblings =o) I know you where probably all thinking I was some really freaky writer but this was just a joke =o) I'll be starting on the real story soon and I'll try my best to make it good =o)
So Tobi you can breath now ok? ;o)

TwiceBorn said...

I was about to say you were officialy kicked out of the tag writers guild before i figuerd it out.
Paul's too cool to die so soon, or ever. It was very good until Paul died, my mind was raceing for some sci-fi way to bring him back to life. Mabye that was a clone of him his sister made with the government. That would have been cool, but i think were trying to keep this realistic.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a good ending. :)

~Kluane said...

That was GREAT!!!! I thought it was Hilarious=o)

~Kluane said...

When are you going to write the real thing?