Monday, August 25, 2008

awwww.....I want one =o)


~Kluane said...

Were did you find those pictures?? We almost got a hedgehog once...but there's like only one person in Alaska that sells them, and there was a HUGE waiting list...

Anonymous said...

Don't even think of it, Kriss...

Anonymous said...

Thier so cute!!!! I really think we need one. Mom wouldn't notice, what's one more little animal? :)

Anonymous said...

They are SOOOOoooo cute!

Jenn said...

They are adorable....I might even consider that....someday. Jenn

Heidi Wiles said...

awww....i love em!! so cute.

Mo said...

I've actually pet one of those little critters before. It was at a county fair, and it was for sale.
step right up
get your prickly pet