Thursday, September 18, 2008


Joyka showed this to us the other day and we died laughing....this is so funny because it's so natural.... it cracks me up so much....


kim said...

oh my goodness! I laugh so hard! lol! This was SO funny!
"That really hurt!" lol! He was so cute! :0)

Heidi Wiles said...

this IS cute! :)

~Kluane said...

OH WOW!!! That is sooo adorable! I've watched about 6 times and it's stll just as cute and funny as it was the first time=o)

Mrs.Lambert said...

pretty adorable kris(:the way that baby laughed is what cracked me up(:

Anonymous said...

Is it still hurt-ing???

~Kluane said...

Hmmm...I think it's time for a new post=o)

Kassandra said...

I LOVE your new background! It's so pretty! :o) and that castle picture is breath taking. Awesome. :o)

~Kluane said...

Your background and header are super cute and definantly very Kristaish.....=o) Buuuuut.....that doesn't quite make up for a new post=o) I know, I know, your sooooo busy....but you can't just take a little time in there to say that you hate that the snows melting or something like that?=o) TTYL...

Heidi Wiles said...

yeah, i love the new background, but could you please post??