Sunday, March 1, 2009

so i'm starting in the middle

so right now were at the second beach house and it's so cool...i wish you brothers of mine could be here to see it but i'll try not to be bitter against you cuz you're not ;o) it's hard to explain this house without you actually seeing it but it's kind of an older house with no big light just lots of little lights and cool nook's and and Lisa sis get to sleep in this little bed tucked in a cranny it's really neat and the house has all these cool rooms...right now I'm sitting in a room off from the rest of the house with big windows looking out the the beach and the ocean.....It's sooo beautiful! Ok so much has happened so im gonna do a couple posts with random pics and explain what comes to mind.......

We went to StoneHendge...... was just a reconstronction of it but it was still cool.....bekah loved it the most though and was jumping up and down when she heard we were going to it =o)

this is jock sacrificing dad and the alter...hehe

ok missing brothers I expect comments from you cuz I posted for you ok?! ;o)


TwiceBorn said...

Oh, that's interesting.

Aaroneous said...

Wow jock, nice coat.

I think I would like those dogs kriss (if life on the farm isn't working out for that sweet little brown dog you can just tell uncle Jim I'll take her)

Cpt.Winters said...

Good job Jock the blessing of the gods are know with you...