Would tomorrow be a good time to come?....... ;o)
I tried to give them a whole photo shoot thing and they did not wanna cooperate! their faces have food all over them.....silly grumpy turtles.....
the month of May.......
I'm counting the days too...what is it like 25 days? at which time I will pat my blueberry of a niece or nephew =o) Is that alaskan blueberry size or store blueberry size?? well I guess actually it will be the size of a walnut by then right? *sigh*..... I wish it was a watermelon already..............................=D
Works been slow lately so i've been getting to come home early.....I really like that.....I'm always counting the hours and thinking how many more wretched(it's funny cuz you're all probably thinkin I'm saying I have wretched stuff on my ipod(well actually it's tobi's ipod that got washed and I Inherited...it works fine and it was free!(o=) but what you don't know is that wretched is the name of an actual radio show (o=) shows I have left on my ipod to listen to.....and if you're totally confused by now that's ok cuz I'm makin myself laugh in a going crazy kinda way.....anyways I really like getting off early... I know it means i'm not making as much money but I don't really care about money......If I didn't know I'm eventually gonna need to get a car and pay insurance and all that stuff I would work only a little bit and stay home the rest of the time =o) and of course with money comes taxes....this was the first time I had to do all that stuff.....but bekah helped me and it only took like 15 mins so that was nice........
oh yeah Jo you missed another great singing of happy B-day......I was just watching the video and it was as scary as usual.....I decided not to post it cuz....well...like I said it was scary and we like to keep noises like that from getting out...for as long as possible =D..... anyways the bike exercise thing is really fun.... I wish me and bekah had some up here to burn some calories why we're watching somthin....it is really nice and very comfortable.....
yeah bekahs reading me that series and she thinks I'm totally not interested even though I am....she just chooses the wrong time to read and wants to read all night!...so I'm laying there nodding off after every other sentence and wake up to something about him drinking tea and how it's funny and i'm like oh no! I think I just missed that whole page I hope nothin exciting happened.....It's kinda hard cuz she's alot smarter than me and understands all those fancy words and stuff so I feel dumb for not knowing stuff like a word that means a certain kind of wall paper or somthin....I'll never never be as smart as that firstborn ;o)....but anyways I do like it I'm just not a great reader to which she would answer your not the one reading it!.......yeah probably all this is only making sense to me but that's ok........she opens the windows at night to so I get really cold somtimes....but it's ok cuz we sleep like spoons.....or like puppies in a pile huddling for warmth....can't wait to get that queen bed somtime....right now it feels like we're camping but that's ok......yeah Jo you're probably not even reading at this point cuz I know you think it's so boring if there are lots of words and no pics.....well I put one pic up there ok? so I'll be really impressed if you've gotten this far =o)
Oh do any of you guys notice that when stuff starts to melt around here it stinks outside....maybe it's just me or maybe it's just our house....I mean we do have some dogs....anyways I just noticed today........
well I think that's about enough crazy confusingness for now....maybe this will keep my clever one and my embarrassing one from telling me to post post post!
Kluane I can't remember who Matthew Maury was....did you take you quiz yet? If you remember tell me ok?.......
well toodleloo for ? ..........
You know what stinks...? Your Apartment is smells like old garlic or somthing=D Your right Jo is not gonna read all that=D...
Uh....I was hoping you remembered who he was=o) sorry....
wow, Krista.
nice aims real nice.....
Kluane I looked him up online and he was the guy who invented that thing ya know? ;o) just look him up...
Ya Mrs. Kim that's what happens when you sit down and start randomly typing whatever pops into your brain..at least that happens with me =o)
my turtles!!! I miss my turtles. I read your WHOLE post and it made me laugh. I think you have to much idle time on your hands.
what thing?
So you and Bek are sharing the apt now? I was wondering if she was going to stay there all by herself! Sounds like fun!!! How do you like having your own room, Aimee?
idle time says the future mommy who probably won't go to a job or have to work ever again ;o)
yeah Rachel we're up there together now...there was no way bekah was gonna sleep up there all by herself...of course that does mean rent has to be payed every month but that's ok...=o)
Kluane the sea thing...look it up ;o)
Krista! You're embarrassing me.
haha I love having all this juicy info about you to black mail you with....hmmm....what should I ask from you to keep me quiet??
Rachel, At first I was super excited about it but then Kriss left all her junk in it so I kinda lost the excitment=D(it's still there)
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