Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So now I have a blog =o)

I know the whole blog thing Is kind of becoming old, but I decided I wanted to start my own and try to write something every day. I don't know If I actually will but I'm going to try. There so many cool things you can do on a blog. TO many choices you know?!?!

Do you guys like the look or is it to plain??

Okay I better run I've been on here way to long already trying to figure my new blog out =o)

What do you think of the name?? I'm real bad at thinking up names but this one actually had some meaning =o)if you go to my profile you can see were the name came from. have a good day!

Krista (sweetie pie)

p.s. I'm also going to try to post a picture every day so here's my first one =o)

Molly and Chinook!!

A dog quote for the day: Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. ~Max Eastman, Enjoyment of Laughter


Anonymous said...

ah yes, the queen of picture posting....you gotta follow your reputation i guess, but this time don't go posting pictures of everyone in your family WITHOUT ASKING....
haha.....i just though of a much better dog quote, but i can tell you some other time....it has to do with a certain u.s. airforce Colonel and sniffing dogs....hehe

neverletmeforget said...

hmmmm......... I'm thinking of finding the most horrible pictures of you I can find and posting them!!!!! BWahahahaha!!!!! =o)