Friday, December 14, 2007

Bekah, Aimee, Jock and I decorated the church last night for the recital. It turned out really pretty! Then we came home and watched a Cary Grant. It was one of the really funny ones! It had us all laughing really hard =D I just love that kind of a funny movie!
Anyways tonight's gonna be really fun! Bekah was going to put me last, but she decided to be nice and put me second to last...uh! =o) oh well.....I'm sure it will be just fine....well I'm gonna go make some cookies for tonight.
Ta ta for now ;o)


Anonymous said...

WELL SHE BETTER NOT HAVE PUT ME LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or first!!!
I can't wait to see the church! I'm sure it will be soooooo pretty!!

neverletmeforget said...

Actually we're doing our duet first, and don't worry you're not last =o)

~Kluane said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeew!!!!!That's good. But maybe we should do our duet last=o)

Anonymous said...

So much for being anonymous :)