Friday, April 25, 2008

my very own pineapple plant =o)

Look at this cool pineapple plant Tori and Bekah found for me last night!

Isn't it adorable? =o)
I've been reading up on it online and they are fairly easy to take care of. So I hope it survives. If the little pineapple turns golden you can pick it. Isn't that neat! I'm so excited about my little pineapple!! I've always wanted one but I never knew that they existed like this!
Thanks so very much =o)


blondevue... said...

heheheheh, I'm glad you like the little pineapple :) it is the cutest little thing. I can't believe that we found one in the middle of Alaska, after looking for a plant in Hawaii to no avail! How odd! You'll have to keep us updated on the life of the dear thing... :)
I'm trying to convince my boss that since we have an office in Hawaii, he should go get the cocunut tree that was there, so we feel more in sync with our fellow hawaiian office. lol... :) Its not working so far. =o)
See ya tonight,,,

~Kluane said...

Cool Kriss=o)
Mom said if you plant the top of your Pineapple when you go to eat should grow again...

Rebekah L. said...

You can start your own from a pineapple you buy from the store, I've been thinking about trying it but Jeremy just groans and says NO MORE PLANTS!!! Here is the link in case you ever want to try

neverletmeforget said...

yeah I've been reading a lot about that on the internet Bek. it's sounds really neat! You should try it =o)

kim said... neat!!