Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ooey gooey......

around this time of year you start to see these gruesome but kinda cool recipes come out....the eyeball soup one is especially grotesque...;o) 
don't like halloweens real meaning of course but I think it would be fun to dress up as something and have a costume party or something neat like I was wondering what you would dress up like if you could....tobi I especially want to hear your idea cuz i'm sure it'll me a stupefying one.....I can't decide what I would dress up like so I'll have to think of it........
heehee......silly I know but it's kinda fun to think about =o)

ok mum says she's not really a dog person but I don't think that's the real truth....When mum makes popcorn on friday night all the dogs usual hang around to vacuum up whatever pops over the edge..well jane wasn't down there tonight she was snuggled in my bed(that she really thinks is hers) and so she didn't get mum brought her up her own little bowl cuz she missed out and jane loves her popcorn droppings....haha can you believe it? She doesn't bring bekah and me some...just jane...i don't know how you can be more of a dog person.....very funny....=o)

anyways what would you dress up as?.....and jock you can't be a zombie ok?.....heehee........

~Thank you God for giving a wretch like me the family that I have~


Jock said...

Hmmm What's Wrong with zombies? Theres nothing wrong with zombies, and I wouldn't be a zombie i'd be a zombie hunter...

Aimee said...

Hmmm if I wanted it to be creepy i'd go as somthing out of Alice in Wonderland. Or better yet get a bunch of people and dress up like all of the charactors...

~Kluane said...

well...let's see....I just read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow so I think I'd go as the Headless Horseman=o)